María José Murcia
- Profesor en Política de Empresa
María José obtuvo su PhD in Sustainable Business Management por la Universidad de British Columbia (2018). Es MBA del IAE Business School (2012) y Licenciada en Economía con Honores por la Universidad de Buenos Aires (2010).
Desde 2019 es Visiting Professor en la Faculty of Forestry, University of British Columbia.
Apasionada por el estudio de la sustentabilidad y como ésta puede revolucionar el modo de hacer negocios en el mundo actual. En su investigación, estudia este fenómeno complejo, usando una variedad de lentes y examinándolo a varios niveles: desde cómo las personas conciben y movilizan desafíos referidos a la sustentabilidad, como las empresas y las industrias adaptan sus estrategias a la luz de la misma, y como la orientación a la sustentabilidad puede contribuir a una mejora de las comunidades y sus medios de vida a partir de la innovación social. Su sueño es promover desde el aula una cultura de líderes y ciudadanos responsables (no meros gerentes) que puedan dar respuestas al desafío de la sustentabilidad global.
Intereses de investigación primarios:
- Sustentabilidad
- Estrategia
- Innovación
- Innovación Social
Premios y Honores:
2021. Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. Insight Grant. Global sustainability standards in national context: comparing business-government interactions in Argentina, Brazil and Canada.
2016, 2017. Faculty of Forestry Internal Awards. Recipient of the Mary and David Macaree Fellowship for students making exceptional progress and contributions.
2016-2018. Faculty of Forestry Fellowship (4YF). University of British Columbia.
2015-2018. International Tuition Award. University of British Columbia.
2015. Faculty of Forestry Strategic Recruitment Fellowship. University of British Columbia.
2014. Recipient of the scholarship awarded to only top three papers for presentation in global researchers' professional development workshop held at the annual meeting of the Business Policy and Strategy division of the Academy of Management. Philadelphia, USA.
2012. Scholarship to pursue Full-Time MBA program. IAE Business School, Universidad Austral.
2011. Best Dissertation in Economics Award (B.A.) given by the Professional Council of Economic Sciences. Buenos Aires, Argentina.
- PhD in Sustainable Business Management
University of British Columbia - Máster en dirección de Empresas
IAE Business School - Licenciada en Economía
Universidad de Buenos Aires
Posiciones destacadas
- Visiting Professor de la Faculty of Forestry
University of British Columbia, Desde 2019
Publicaciones académicas con referato
- Aligning G20 Industrial Policies with Biodiversity Conservation (2023)
Murcia, M.Policy Brief sobre Biodiversity Conservation adjunto para la cumbre del G20 2023 en lndia (https://www.g20.org/es/g20-india-2023/new-delhi-summit/). - Shareholder orientation, stakeholder orientation, and new product introductions (2022)
Murcia, M.Maria Jose Murcia (2022) Shareholder orientation, stakeholder orientation, and new product introductions, Innovation, DOI: 10.1080/14479338.2022.2029709 - Accounting for Plural Cognitive Framings of Growth and Sustainability: Rethinking Management Education in Latin America (2022)
Murcia, M., Pilar AcostaMurcia, M.J., Acosta, P. Accounting for Plural Cognitive Framings of Growth and Sustainability: Rethinking Management Education in Latin America. J Bus Ethics (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10551-022-05180-4nPublicado 26 de junio de 2022 - Management and Sustainability Dilemmas in Latin America: Introduction.nDilemas sobre gestión y sostenibilidad en Latinoamérica: introducción.nDilemas de gestão e sustentabilidade na América Latina: introdução. (2021)
Murcia, M., Hernandez-Pozas, O., Ogliastri, E., Olivas-Lujan, M.Academia Revista Latinoamericana de Administracion nHernandez-Pozas, O., Murcia, M.J., Ogliastri, E. and Olivas-Lujan, M.R. (2021), "Management and sustainability dilemmas in Latin America: introduction", Academia Revista Latinoamericana de Administración, Vol. 34 No. 1, pp. 1-17. https://doi.org/10.1108/ARLA-06-2020-0147 - Multilateral development banks: understanding their impact on start-up development in latin america (2021)
Sarria Allende, V., Dams, C., Murcia, M.Dams, C., Sarria Allende, V. and Murcia, M.J. (2021), "Multilateral development banks: understanding their impact on start-up development in Latin America", European Business Review, Vol. 33 No. 6, pp. 942-956. https://doi.org/10.1108/EBR-11-2020-0274 - Management and Sustainability Dilemmas in Latin America: Introduction. (2021)
Murcia, M., Hernandez-Pozas, O., Ogliastri, E, Olivas-Lujan, M.R - Socially Responsible Firms Outsource Less (2020)
Murcia, M., Panwar, R., Tarzijan, J.Business & Society, Article first published online: January 20, 2020 - Progressive and rational CSR as catalysts of new product introductions (2020)
Murcia, M.Murcia, M.J. Progressive and Rational CSR as Catalysts of New Product Introductions. J Bus Ethics 174, 613–627 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10551-020-04625-y - From organizational learning to organizational mnemonics: Redrawing the boundaries of the field (2019)
Murcia, M., Coraiola, D.Management Learning, First Published Online December 16, 2019 - Business schools at the crossroads? A trip back from Sparta to Athens (2018)
Rocha, H., Murcia, M., Birkinshaw, J.Journal of Business Ethics, June 2018, Volume 150, Issue 2, pp 579–591 DOI https://doi.org/10.1007/s10551-016-3129-3
Conference proceedings
- ONE Publications from Underrepresented Regions of the World (2023)
Murcia, M."ONE Publications from Underrepresented Regions of the World", Academy of Management Proceedings, Vol 1. 2023nRemy Balarezo, Christina Bidmon, Nancy E. Landrum, Maoliang Bu, Maria Jose Murcia, Ralph Hamann, Divya Singhal and Jill Ann BrownnPublished Online:24 Jul 2023https://doi.org/10.5465/AMPROC.2023.10240symposium - Platform Leapfrogging in Turbulent Environments (2023)
Murcia, M."Platform Leapfrogging in Turbulent Environments", Academy of Management Proceedings, Vol 1. 2023nAngel Sevil, M. Florencia Gabrielli, Manuel Willington and Maria Jose MurcianPublished Online:24 Jul 2023https://doi.org/10.5465/AMPROC.2023.53bp - Embracing paradigmatic change among LATAM business leaders. Implications for sustainability education (2021)
Murcia, M., Acosta-Collazos, P., Tomaselli, F.Murcia, M. J., Acosta-Collazos, P., Tomaselli, F. (2021). Embracing paradigmatic change among LATAM business leaders. Implications for sustainability education. In Academy of Management Proceedings, 2021 (1), 10196. - Impact of Multilateral Development Banks in Start-Up Development (2020)
Dams, C., Sarria Allende, V., Murcia, M.Academy of Management Global Proceedings Vol. Mexico, No. 2020nImpact of Multilateral Development Banks in Start-Up DevelopmentnCarolina Dams, Virginia Sarria-Allende and Maria Jose MurcianVolume Mexico, Issue 2020 01 Jan 2020 - Corporate Governance, Corporate Social Performance, and New Product Introductions (2019)
Murcia, M., Panwar, R., Tarzijan, J.Academy of Management Proceedings, Vol. 2019, No. 1. (Abstract). https://doi.org/10.5465/AMBPP.2019.10317abstract - Corporate social responsibility and vertical integration (2018)
Murcia, M., Tarzijan, J.Academy of Management Proceedings. Vol. 2018, No. 1. (Abstract). https://doi.org/10.5465/AMBPP.2018.11576abstract - Towards a penrosian understanding on recessions and industry dynamics (2018)
Murcia, M., García Sánchez, J., Mesquita, L., New YorkAcademy of Management Proceedings, Vol. 2018, No. 1. (Abstract). https://doi.org/10.5465/AMBPP.2018.17621abstract - Competitive Dynamics Under Recession (2017)
García Sánchez, J., Murcia, M.Academy of Management Proceedings. nPublished Online:30 Nov 2017 Published online 30 November 2017nPublished in print 1 August 2017n - The Effect of Recessions in Platform Market Competition (2017)
Vassolo, R., Murcia, M., Sevil, A.Academy of Management Proceedings. Vol. 2017, No. 1. (Abstract). https://doi.org/10.5465/AMBPP.2017.17553abstract - Platform Competition in Unstable Contexts (2016)
Vassolo, R., Sevil, A., Murcia, M., Sevil, A.Academy of Management Proceedings, Vol. 2016, No. 1. (Abstract). https://doi.org/10.5465/ambpp.2016.12329abstract - Business Schools at the crossroads? A trip back from Sparta to Athens (2015)
Rocha, H., Murcia, M.Academy of Management Proceedings, Vol. 2015, No. 1. (Abstract). https://doi.org/10.5465/ambpp.2015.11360abstract - The evolution of competition through the business cycle (2015)
Vassolo, R., García Sánchez, J., Murcia, M.Academy of Management Proceedings, Vol. 2015, No. 1. (Abstract). https://journals.aom.org/doi/abs/10.5465/ambpp.2015.11882abstract
Journals de casos
- PZ Wilmar and palm oil expansion to West Africa (2017)
Murcia, M., Joleen, T.The CASE Journal, Volume 13 Issue 5, pp. 661 - 678 (2017) https://doi.org/10.1108/TCJ-01-2017-0005
- MercadoLibre: La batalla de Chile (2015)
Vassolo, R., Murcia, M.IAE-C111-05253-SP
Capítulos de libros
- State of the art and conceptual issues: nAgribusiness and sustainability (2022)
Murcia, M.Annosi, M.C., Murcia, M.J., Zagame, M.C. State of the art and conceptual issues: nAgribusiness and sustainability. In Annosi, Appio, and Brunetta (Eds.). Sustainability in agribusiness: The nimpact of societal challenges, technological advancements, and development goals. Routlege. - Main Findings and trends of Tertiarization (2018)
Murcia, M., Siegner, M., DeBoer, J.in Farcy, De Camino, Martinez de Arano and Rojas Briales (Eds.) “Forestry in the midst of global changes”, Chapter 11: 185-194, CRC Press - Taylor and Francis Group, Boca Raton (2018).
Notas técnicas
- Las Virtudes para el Ejercicio de la Dirección (2015)
Vassolo, R., Murcia, M., Rocha, H.IAE-N111-05217-SP
*Publicaciones previas a 2009 no incluidas.